Hey TFF, I just wanted to let you guys know, I just started playing this game for the first time ever today! And let me tell you, this game is pretty damn good! I only just got started however. I currently only have the first two GFs(Summons) that you get at the start of the game by looking at your monitor in class. Quistis is lvl 12 and Squall is lvl 11. Quetzacoatl is lvl 11 and Shiva is also lvl 11. I am currently working on getting the Doom command that Shiva is able to learn at lvl 10. Once she has learned it, I will move on to the Fire Volcano where you get Ifrit at. I cannot wait to start leveling him up too! Eeeep, SUMMONS GALORE, I LOVE IT! <3 ^_^ Looking forward to playing some more. I will update you on my adventures as they unfold.
*Note: Currently farming AP near the ocean at the starting area of the game. Getting 6 AP for killing 2 reddish-orange fish-like creatures per battle!